Get ready for a spooktacular Halloween with our exclusive Trick or Treat Kit Cookiemonster Edition! With this kit, you can grow your own Halloween pumpkin!
Working with retailers internationally
Cookie Monster’s “Pumpkin Cultivating Kit” provides kids with a fun and engaging fall activity, featuring pumpkin seeds and coco soil to grow their own pumpkins—just in time for next Halloween! This seasonal kit is perfect for individual learning or classroom activities, helping children experience the joy of growing and harvesting their own pumpkins while learning about nature and sustainability.
Get ready for a spooktacular Halloween with our exclusive Trick or Treat Kit Cookiemonster Edition! This kit is perfect for little monsters who love cookies and a bit of gardening magic.
Check out other Sesame Street products as well.
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3850 Clearview Court,
Gurnee, IL 60031